GitHub Pull Request tips
GitHub Pull Request: 10 tips to know

GitHub Pull Requests are useful to manage the workflow of your development with Git. Git offers a native branch management system that makes it easy to work collaboratively. Whether you’re using the Git-flow model or the Trunk-Based approach, only the lifetime branch varies: you still rely on branches to integrate new code increments. Pull Request...

Knowledge base tools for software developers
30 knowledge base tools for developers in 2022

Software engineers need knowledge base tools to create and maintain valuable technical documentation. The State of Octoverse 2021 report by GitHub stated: “Documentation is good for productivity and culture. Recent research shows that quality documentation improves performance. It shouldn’t be a surprise that good documentation practices support not only better cultures where developers feel fulfilled...

Java Coding Standard
Define your coding standards for Java

Coding standards for Java are essential if you work on a Java project in your company, and you’re not working alone. Indeed, you need to deal with every team’s challenge: discuss, align and decide what your coding standards should be in your context. Not only Java besides, but all conventions related to naming, architecture, security,...

Simple API HealthCheck with Node, Express, and Mon...

Our application Promyze is a standard Web application with a ReactJS frontend and a Node/Express/Mongoose/MongoDB stack for our API. We were recently in the reflection of building a public status page for our users to let them know whether our services were up or facing troubles. There are many monitoring tools on the market. In...

Insights from the State of Inner Source 2021

The InnerSource Commons is the world’s largest community of InnerSource practitioners. Founded in 2015, its goal is to create and share knowledge about InnerSource (or inner source): the use of open source best practices for software development within the confines of an organization. In a previous post, we discussed InnerSource and its benefits. To get...

knowledge silos
Knowledge silos are still a pain, Stack Overflow 2...

The Stack Overflow 2022 Developers Survey has been released a few days ago. It brings fresh insights and valuable data about developers around the world: trends, challenges, technologies,…This year, they were 70,000 who took the survey. Knowledge silos are a barrier that many developers have to face. This report provides meaningful insights regarding productivity, problem-solving,...

plugin vscode
4 VSCode extensions to share technical knowledge w...

Good technical documentation appeared for the first time in the DORA report in 2021, as it’s observed foundational for successfully implementing DevOps capabilities. Technical documentation covers a large diversity of topics, among them: Architectural diagrams, business logic descriptions, … Procedures on how to do a fresh setup for a project on your laptop Coding standards and...

InnerSource, understand the benefits in 5 minutes

InnerSource is an approach inspired by OpenSource, but applied to the scope of a company only. Many of these companies do not want to see their code revealed publicly for confidentiality reasons for example. Thus, InnerSource offers them the benefits of OpenSource, i.e. collaboration, innovation, and improvement, without opening the doors of their source code...

IT Turnover
Why technical knowledge loss (and turnover) can im...

The IT Industry has one of the highest turnover rates, with an average of around 15% in the past years. We can’t ignore this phenomenon, and even though you invest in increasing the retention of your tech teams, people will sometimes desire a new challenge. A reasonable strategy would be to consider both people’s wellness...

Java Share Best Coding Practice
Share your Java best practices with your team in I...

IntelliJ IDEA stands as one of the most popular IDEs when developing Java code. It’s pretty tedious to have accurate numbers, but we can reasonably assume that it belongs to the two top leaders with Eclipse around the world. Btw, Keep in mind that this post content also works for Eclipse. Today we cover how IntelliJ...

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Best coding practices shared from IDEs & Code reviews

Promyze, the collaborative platform dedicated to improve developers’ skills through best practices sharing and definition.

Crafted from Bordeaux, France.

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