We just released a new update for Promyze. 💡 Smarter suggestions This topic condenses most of the change of this release. First of all, we withdrew the legacy keywords vectors, so only the regular expression system is available. This enabled us to improve the suggestions provided in your Promyze plugins and to earn precision in...
It’s funny to realize how this wonderful sentence applies to software engineering and especially when we deal with software quality. Do right things What does it mean? It should be about morality: the good and the bad. Okay, so what is good software? If you’re in the software engineering business, the software is good...
Are you about to start developing a VSCode extension? Or maybe you struggle with what you’re currently trying to achieve? At Promyze, we’ve built a VSCode extension to help developers share their best coding practices, access them in their IDE, and get automatic suggestions. As we took some time to explore the possibilities offered by...
Refactoring the code in legacy software is an opportunity to restructure and improve the code source while keeping the same features. Mastering refactoring techniques can save time than throwing the code away and building it from scratch. Refactoring of code becomes strategic when you need to perform modifications to a legacy code base, especially when...
As we just wrapped up 2022, let’s take the time to reflect on what we shipped this past year. This post spotlights some of the most significant product updates on Promyze, including automatic suggestions, in-depth integrations for IDEs and plugins for code reviews, and the community hub. So you’re ready to take off? Buckle up....
🧪 Why property-based testing? At Promyze, we’re convinced that methodologies such as Test-Driven Development (TDD) can really improve the quality of our code. But developers need relevant inputs to ensure our code answers a business requirement. Behavior-Driven Development or Example Mapping sessions help to generate concrete examples of the behavior of a feature. This clearly brings value for...
Before diving into the concept of Community of Practice (CoP), I’d like to ask you one question. In your daily work, you must solve problems and deal withtopics and domains of interest inherent to your job (ex: front-end development). According to you: Do you think other people in your organization face the same problems andshare...
Knowledge management and tools in this field are becoming more and more critical for companies, according to a Gartner® 2022 study. Since the COVID crisis, employees have worked remotely from anywhere, leading to a momentum of asynchronous communications. People also leave companies at a record level, so expertise and knowledge can quickly get lost. These...
Recent studies mention that best practices and knowledge sharing are among the top factors that boost engineering performance. The StackOverflow Developer Survey 2022 report also states that a developer wastes between 6 and 13 hours a week looking for answers to their questions and spends between 5 and 11 hours per week answering questions from...
Cypress best practices help you to maintain sustainable tests. Cypress is an open-source framework that supports only JavaScript. It earned an increasing adoption in past years and stands today as a reference as a JavaScript End To En Testing framework. With Cypress, you can write your functional tests and run them into your CI/CD workflow....
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