In 2 recent blog posts, we discussed the benefits of Inner Source and its state in the industry in 2021. We recently identified a scientific paper published in late 2022 called What Motivates Software Practitioners to Contribute to Inner Source? by Zhiyuan Wan et al., published in the ESEC/FSE 2022 conference. The full paper is...
Originally published on May 23, 2022. Updated on Feb 15, 2023. Few days ago, we hosted a webinar on How to boost employee onboarding in your engineering team? We share in this post some of the key takeaways. TL,DR: we talked about the following topics: why onboarding developers matter what’s essential when onboarding a developer how to help...
Code reviews through Pull/Merge Requests have become an essential process for the majority of tech companies. A recent study in 2022 unveils that 84% of the surveyed companies use it. Several years of practice allowed practitioners to take a step back on this methodology to identify pain points and how to overcome them. Besides, code...
Are you about to start developing a JetBrains extension? Or maybe you’re currently working on that? As you may already know, once you develop a JetBrains extension, it’s available in the marketplace for all the IDEs maintained by the editor, such as JetBrains, PyCharm, Rider, WebStorm, and so on. At Promyze, we’ve built a JetBrains...
Python is a programming language that offers a high level of flexibility. The counterpart is that developers can easily use different tricks that will lead to heterogeneity in the source code, decreasing its readability and maintainability. As with any programming language, it’s important to define best practices in a team to bring consistency to the...
In a previous post, we bootstrapped some thoughts about what knowledge was useful for developers in their work. Also, we discussed that each piece of knowledge has its specificities (when and how it’s hit, how often it’s updated, how critical it is to notify the audience, …). In this post, we propose a cartography of...
At Promyze, our PaaS provider CleverCloud offers many great features and add-ons to run Web apps. However, there are currently limitations for managing access logs and route them to an external system, such as an ELK stack. CleverCloud allows for draining server logs to Elasticsearch, but there’s no parsing option, and our logs are considered a single string...
SonarQube is one the most popular static analysis tool, mainly because it exists since 2008 and is open-source, easing its adoption in the IT industry. In this post, we’ll show how to deploy the latest SonarQube LTS Community Edition so far (8.9), with a PostgreSQL DB and using Docker. We’re using Ubuntu 20.04 but, as we use Docker, you may only...
A best coding practice is a specific action in a particular context, it’s a way of doing things to achieve a specific result. These practices differ between companies and sometimes even between teams within the same company. Unfortunately, it’s rare that static analysis tools (linters) can automatically identify all these coding practices, which go beyond...
During autumn 2022, I had the chance to attend the great FlowCon conference hosted in Paris, France, whose core topic targets stream delivery in software engineering. Lean, Agility and Continuous delivery are thus highly represented in the conference. One of the talks caught my attention, and I was far from disappointed when I saw it;...
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