In our lastest webinar, we talked about the craft at scale. We welcomed Aurélien Rambaux, craftsman coach at ManoMano for 3 years, and Julien Topçu, technical coach at Shodo, a software firm specialized in software craftsmanship and Domain-Driven Design. Aurélien is the only technical coach for 45 teams, about 300 developers. He works with various...
We just released a new update for Promyze. 💡 Introducing Skills A skill is a domain of knowledge that can be linked to existing and new best practices you’ll create with Promyze. Users earn points when they contribute to a best practice associated with a skill. This feature intends to: Highlight your current skills the...
In 1944, the OSS — Office of Strategic Services — of the USA shared with their Europe-based agents a sabotage manual designed to create friction, frustrations, slow-downs, and disturbances in Nazi organizations. 80 years later, it’s interesting that the guidelines look familiar in many large companies. For instance: Insist on doing everything through “channels.” Never permit short-cuts to be...
During demo sessions of Promyze, we show how the tool helps you share best coding practices, and review them with your team. This demo also includes a feature that automatically prompts suggestions to developers, both in their IDE & during the code review, whenever some of their best practices aren’t followed. For the demo audience,...
At Promyze, our Ph.d student, Corentin Latappy, led in late 2022 a research work involving teams from the LaBRI (Bordeaux, France), Montpellier University, and IMT Mines Ales (both also in France). This work resulted in a scientific paper entitled “MLinter: Learning Coding Practices from Examples—Dream or Reality?”, to be published in the SANER 2023 conference...
Originally published on February 7, 2023. Edited on March 6, 2023. Here at Promyze, we’re big into sharing knowledge. We regularly publish best coding practices in this blog and host webinars. More recently, we released, an open, resourceful place where you can discover best coding practices. Today, we’re open-sourcing a (non-exhaustive) list of 42+...
This post outlines four reasons to use Promyze, a tool designed to help engineering teams share and leverage expertise. TL,DR These reasons include improving engineers’ skills, reducing the mental load of sharing knowledge, sharing best coding practices at scale, and making the company shine. The tool provides integrated onboarding mechanisms, features for creating best practices...
In a recent webinar, we welcomed Olivier Le Goaër, Associate professor at Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (Pau, France), to discuss greenIT for mobile applications (replay is available in French here). Indeed, Olivier started in 2019 to work on a project to make native mobile apps more sustainable, environmentally, and socially acceptable....
ManoMano is an online marketplace for DIY, home improvement, and gardening products. It’s a community of home and DIY lovers that enables them to exchange tips and advice on their DIY or gardening projects. In addition to this expert advice, ManoMano puts clients in touch with a helping hand who helps them achieve their DIY...
We recently hosted a live session with Benoit Gantaume from to discuss the different attitudes a technical coach must adopt to bring new concepts to a team. Benoit has 10 years of experience as a technical coach, he studied similar patterns within teams and gave us 4 misconceptions about how to coach a team...
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